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Melbourne cup long weekend camp

  • 29 Oct 2016
  • 01 Nov 2016
  • Bendigo gliding club (Raywood)


  • I hope to attend, but wont know until closer to the date.
  • I hope to attend, but wont know until closer to the date.

Registration is closed

The club will be holding its annual Cup weekend camp at Raywood, home of the Bendigo Gliding Club (BGC), Raywood is about 30km north of Bendigo, and a comfortable 180-210 Kms 2-2 1/2 hr drive from Melbourne S 36o32.9’ E 144o14.7’.

We are looking at taking are ZRD VMF VCS with a second single seater (if we have sufficient Members interest), a Pawnee and the expeditions Trailer. Aerotowing will be available the week after cup day if you wish to stay, just let BGC know in advance.

Accommodation - Comfortable Accommodation at Raywood is virtually nil; The Raywood Hotel (5436 1393) has some accommodation though you have to book early. For the young and hardy there is camping (both campers and tents) on the airfield with showers and toilets at $10.00 per night, contact Mark Kerr 0417 005 986, Bendigo is only 30 minutes drive from Raywood with plenty of eateries, things to do and  budget and up market Accommodation available.

Logistics - As with all camps, your out landing, annual checks (these are not done at camps), etc are required to be current before you fly there. Also be current in the aircraft you will be flying.      

For those thinking about coming to Raywood, if you haven’t been there, speak to someone who has.

All members are welcome from early trainees to retirees. Please register your interest ASAP (this includes syndicates) so we can decide which, and how many gliders to take, We are endeavouring to have available aircraft to suit all pilots’ levels. Be aware if you do not advise your attendance there may not be available an aircraft when you wish to fly.

Costs - Camp costs are expected to be $70 plus a $25 donation to BGC for use of the airfield etc.

If you have any questions please contact Max Callingham on 0416 237 672, or max@optusnet.com.au

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